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Professional Training

ReEnvision offers Marriage and Family Therapists, Mental Health Counselors, Social Workers, Clergy and Lay Counselors two professional trainings:






Click the respective boxes for more information on each of these trainings

Become a Prepare/Enrich Facilitator

If you work with couples or are interested in working with couples, consider becoming trained in the Prepare/Enrich Assessment.

Prepare/Enrich is a leading relationship inventory and skill-building program that is easily used with a couple for premarital, martial counseling or even in group settings.  Over the years, they have developed and customized this tool to address the needs and challenges of ParentingAdopting/Fostering Couples  as well as for Blended Families.

The Prepare/Enrich Assesses the couple's relationship based on scales that look at communication, conflict resolution, relationship roles, finances, sexuality, spiritual beliefs and more. It also looks at personality as well as couple and family dynamics. 

This inventory is used nationally and internationally and is available in multiple languages. Built on solid research, Prepare/Enrich has been equipping Counselors, Therapists, Social Workers, Pastors, and Lay Leaders for over thirty years.​

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"Michelle is fantastic! She provides a very comfortable setting for interactive and engaged learning!"

— Heather V., LPC

Ready to Become Prepare-Enrich Certified?

Next Virtual Training Date:
To Be Announced


Certified RelateStrong Facilitator

Developed by Marriage and Family therapists (who happen to be married!), Sharon & Terry Hargrave's RelateStrong offers research and evidence based curriculum that enhances the lives of individuals and couples by strengthening relationships whether one is single or in a relationship. This 9 week curriculum is a powerful tool that covers the Pain & Peace Cycles, problem solving by using the Pain & Peace cycles, learning how to establish boundaries, recognizing personality differences, using spiritual gifts and dreaming of a "new self" (if single) or a "new us" (if married). It can be used in churches and community based organizations. The training is a one day, all day, interactive offering and is suitable for both professional and lay counselors. It will enhance your own personal life as well as the lives of the people who go through this with you.


From the Boone Center for the Family of Pepperdine University (which is where Sharon Hargrave is based):


"The power of the RelateStrong | Training is two very dynamic experiences happening simultaneously. The leader attending the training is changed while also beginning to understand how others get into destructive relationship patterns. While learning how to become a stronger leader, the participant gains insight into understanding and helping others. The training gives the leader simple but profound skills to use in ministering to others with family, work and relationship issues. 


The training is based on both sound psychological and theological principles. Designed originally -- and still perfect for -- married couples, the RelateStrong program has recently been expanded to work just as exceptionally with individuals."

Ready to Become RelateStrong Certified?

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ReEnvision Marriage and Family Therapy PLLC

Mailing Address

40-03 164th Street #580161

Flushing, NY 11358

Phone: 646-450-9972

Office Hours

Mondays        10 AM - 9 PM

Tuesdays          10 AM - 9 PM

Wednesdays     10 AM - 9 PM

Thursdays          4 PM  - 9 PM

Fridays             10 AM - 9 PM

Saturdays          10 AM - 1PM

Sundays               CLOSED

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If you or a loved one is experiencing suicidal ideation or have immediate plans to die by suicide, please go to the nearest emergency room or consider calling the National Suicide and Crisis Hotline: 


Website: The National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline 

Your life matters! 


NYC's Crisis Emergency services also provides a Mobile Crisis unit when needed.

(888) NYC-WELL (888-692-9355)



Disclaimer: Please note that any information on this website is for information purposes only. Please seek professional and customizable advice either through my therapy services or through another therapy professional. I do not assume liability for any portion or content of material on the site and accept no liability for damage or injury resulting from decisions made through interactions with the website.

Copyright ReEnvision Marriage and Family Therapy PLLC 2024

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